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Reciprocal General Contractor Licensing in Georgia

The General Division in the State of Georgia currently holds reciprocity agreements for Commercial Contractors licensed in the following states:

  • Louisiana
  • Tennessee

If you hold a commercial license with a building construction classification in one of these two states, you may easily become licensed to work on construction projects in the State of Georgia.


If you hold a NASCLA accredited license in one of the states listed below, you may also easily qualify to obtain a General Contractor License in Georgia.

  • Arkansas
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina


*The State of Georgia is currently working to develop reciprocal licensing agreements with other states.  Reciprocity updates and recently added states are announced on the GA Secretary of State website. 

Reciprocal License Classifications in Georgia

To obtain a reciprocal contractor license in the State of Georgia, you must hold a Commercial Contractor license with a building construction classification.

Contractors in Tennessee and Louisiana who hold a Residential Basic or a Residential-Light Commercial license are not eligible for reciprocity.

Contractors who have held a NASCLA-accredited license for at least 3 years or more in a neighboring state, may also be eligible for reciprocity in Georgia.

Contractor licenses in the State of Georgia are issued by the State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors.



Reciprocal Licensing Requirements in Georgia

  • All contractors must hold a valid Commercial Contractor License with a Building Construction classification in the State of Louisiana or Tennessee OR a NASCLA-accredited license from the State of Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina or South Carolina for a minimum of 3 years.
  • All NASCLA-accredited contractors must also meet the work experience and education requirements for licensing in the State of Georgia
  • All contractors must complete and submit the license application, along with all required documents and fees to the State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors. For a copy of the application, please visit:GA Contractor License Application
  • All contractors must register for, take and pass the Georgia Business and Law Exam
  • Contractors are required to follow all laws and policies set forth by the GA licensing board during their license period
  • Contractors are also required to follow the laws and regulations for conducting business transactions in the State of Georgia


Reciprocal Examination Requirements in Georgia

To obtain a reciprocal license in Georgia, contractors must prove that they have taken and passed their state’s licensing board examination.

Reciprocal license applicants are not required to take the Georgia Trade Examination.

If the contractor has taken and passed the NASCLA exam and holds a NASCLA-accredited license, they may submit their transcripts along with their GA license application.

In all cases, when applying for a reciprocal license, contractors are required to take and pass the Georgia Business and Law Exam with a score of 70% or higher.

The Georgia Business and Law exam is administered by PSI Services Inc.  For more information about the exam, please call PSI at:



Visit: PSI Exams


Further Information About Reciprocity in Georgia

For more information about reciprocal contractor licensing in the State of Georgia, please visit the GA Secretary of State website at:

GA Reciprocal Licensing FAQ


Call the Secretary of State’s office at:



*General Contractors licensed in the State of Georgia who want to work out-of-state must contact the state licensing board in the state in which they plan to work to ask about their reciprocal laws and policies.